quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2008

Abhorer(Sgp) - Unholy Blasphemer(2004)

ALBUM: Unholy Blasphemer
GENRE:Black/Thrash metal
COUNTRY: Singapore

1.Invoking Nana Sahib, Satyrical Goat of Mendes01:02
2.Concubinal Celibatic Myrmidonian Whores03:59
3.Abandonment of Chastity03:05
4.Hymeneal Altar of Messianic Salacitation04:44
5.Phlegethonic Sybaritical Demimonde05:00
6.Dom Abaddoniel Abysstic Demonolatry05:02
7.Zygotical Sabbatory Anabapt03:50
8.Expiation of Seraphic Patriarch03:37
9.Saith... Empyrean Sabaoth of Azarak04:31
10.Abandonment of Chastity03:10
11.Heathendom Incarnate05:03
12.Revivification (Intro)01:48
13.Repudiated Faith04:17
14.Rumpus of the Undead03:39
15.Diabolic Epitaph03:19
16.Profane Immolation02:22


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